The Inspectorate General of the Security Forces of the Czech Republic

The GIBS is a national-level law enforcement agency and our mission is to investigate when Czech police officers, custom officers, prison officers as well as civil employees of the law enforcement are suspected of committing criminal offence in their line of duty.

GIBS was formed in 2012. Any cases which GIBS investigates are always supervised by the public prosecutor. GIBS is not part of any specific ministry, and with its Director reporting solely to the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, had therefore become a supreme independent investigative authority over the Czech Police, Prison Service and the Customs Administration. GIBS was also assigned with several other key tasks such as monitoring and prevention activities within the organizations in its jurisdiction along with the creation of appropriate methodological recommendations for the Czech law enforcement community.

The way in which GIBS can execute the integrity tests is strictly governed by the appropriate legislation that clearly mandates how the exercise can and cannot be carried out.


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  • Datová schránka - ID: v7m7926

Informační servis

Vyhodnocení šetření k události na FF

6. červen 2024

GIBS má dalšího generála

8. květen 2024

Pražský kriminalista a kriminalistka z Českých Budějovic měli neoprávněně lustrovat pro bývalého kolegu

10. duben 2024

Příslušník policie měl obchodovat s anaboliky

1. březen 2024

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